Thursday 11 November 2021

Suvarnbindu prashan sanskar

 Suvarna Prashan is the need of the hour in today's scenario. With the emergence of newer diseases and infections, Modern Vaccinations have failed in most of the places to protect and build Vyadhikshamatva i.e.,  in Kids. Because of inadequate nutrition and the introduction of Junk Food & ready-to-eat Fast  Food Culture among kids, days have gone by when one could ensure proper nutrition for Kids. Both in urban as well as rural areas, the inadequacy of nutrition among kids has degraded their health. 

What is suvarnbindu prashan sanskar? 
Wel from ancient times it has been said that Suvarna is essential for human body.
It is the most powerful immunity booster.
It is the best Rasayan used in all age groups of people. 
Suvarn has been used in the form of
 bhasma in various medicines. 
In children suvarnbhasma administered  with Madhu,ghrit  and some herbs dissolved in it is known as "Suvarnbindu prashan sanskar. "

What is Rasayan?
In ancient ayurved granth like Charksamhita and Sushrutsamhita it is very wel explained. 
Swarn is the best rasayan among all. 

What is the role and what are the benefits of Suvarna Prashan? 
1)Anti-oxidant :=
You all know by this time that many diseases are caused by oxidation. Due to oxidation free radicals get circulated in our body and creat khawaigunya
means environment to grow bacteria, viruses or diseases you can say .
Where as after consumption of swarnbindu these free radicals get attached with Swarn and thrown out from our body. 
It acts the most potent anti-oxidant agent. 

2) Adaptogenic:=
Swarn is very much adaptogenic in all ages. No one is found allergic to swarnbindu. 

photo courtesy Google. 

In this image you can see that after swarnbindu consumption our body activates immunogenic dendritic cells. Hence boosts immunity. 

It is seen that memory is very well enhanced in many children who take daily drops of swarnbindu.
As swarnbindu is best nootropic too. So it is essential for children to enhance memory power. 

Many moms complain that their children do not eat properly or he or she is weak. 
At this time you can give swarnbindu to your child. It is anabolic agent means it will promot physical fitness by formation of various proteins etc. 

6)Anti stress:=
Swarn and other medicines in swarnbindu acts antidepressants.
Now a days children are more stressful due corona times. 
To reduce the stress it is the best to give two drops of swarnbindu per day.  Swarn enhances mental ability to handle the stress. 

7)Intellect and memory promoter :=
It promotes intelligent quotient of your child. As well as it promotes the memory.

When to administer? 
Better effects has shown when administered empty stomach. So it is recommended to give suvarnbindu empty stomach in the morning. Start to give  medicine from Pushyanakshatra. 

Why on Pushya Nakshatra? 

 Whom to administer? 
It can be administered to newborn baby and up to the age 16.
So we can say from 0 to 16 age children can be administered swarnbindu. 

What is the right dosage?
0 to 6 months --->2 drops
7m to 1 year ---> 3 drops
1 to 4 years ---> 4 drops
5 to 10 years ---> 6 drops
11 to 16 years --->8 drops
Like these we can administered on Pushya Nakshatra. 
Daily Dose is of 2 drops. 
दो बुंद जिंदगी की 

What are do's and dont's while administration of Suvarna Prashan?
Stomach should be empty or no food should be taken 1 and half hour before Swarnbindu prashan. 
Don't eat or drink anything after swarnbindu prashan till one and half hour. 

Are there any possible side effects?
No, there are absolutely no side effects after swarnbindu administration. 

Classical reference for Suvarna bindu prashan 

सुवर्णप्राशनं हि ऐतत् मेधाग्निबलवर्धनम्।
आयुष्यं मंगलं पुण्यं वृष्यं वर्ण्यं ग्रहापहम्।।
काश्यप संहिता
In Kashyap samhita benefits of swarnbindu prashan is very well explained. 

For more information please contact-
Dr Sonal Ankushkar 
Chirayu Clinic 
Shivakamal nagari, 
Near Dhone Height ,Shinde pool 
Pune. 411023
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